Sunday, September 30, 2007


Crowds were in full force for the openings of AZUNTUNARASHAREDO at ZEITGEIST and for Intersection at Nick Sousanis Gallery. Exhibiting at Zeitgeist are Azucena Nava-Moreno, Mary Fortuna, Kathleen Rashid and Mary Laredo Herbeck until October 27th. Mary Fortuna and Nick Sousanis are of the most ambitious sort very busy making sure their hands are involved in plenty around and within the Detroit area Arts.
The Zeitgeist Gallery had evolved 1o years ago from Michigan Gallery. Michigan Gallery existed a good twenty-five years before that by another local organizor Artist Carl Kamulski. Carl left the gallery after old Tiger Stadium just a walk from the gallery was decided to be replaced with the new age mega center stadium. So things have evolved over the years in the way the art process evolves.
Looking forward to what Zeitgeist will do in the future as it seems to be leaving behind the Outsider and pure Surrealist tendecies that it has embraced for so long. For sure there are even further outsides to be found now.

Urbanscapes @ 1923

These works are by Hamtramck Artist Laura Macintyre.
Urban landscapes very much so sprouting from the Hamtramck sceen.
This show hangs at Cafe 1923 as a part of the HATCH Artists grouping.
I believe this is the groups first solo exhibition.

The works range in size from the largest seen here at 24" x 36" on down.

Having lived, played and experienced life here in these locations generally I am left with the sense of this place that I know well in the paintings. I am curious to what fresh eyes have to say. For a good chunk of my gypsy existence I had lived in Lincoln Park that borders Detroit at the South end and from that perspective I also make a lot of connections and see interesting contrasts. Definitely all environments are unique eco-spaces that time, characters and chance play a part in molding the personality of continuously.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

From the Private Collection

Adelina Fuentes Connelly is another great Detroit Artist whose Fuentes Gallery is a creative hive for the neighborhood and several Artists that Adelina mentors. Her works range from painting, print, ceramic sculpture and illustrations for poetry.
This Oil Painting is titled "Out of the Woods" is 24"h x 18"w.

From the Private Collection

This Oil Painting is 8.5" x 11" on canvas board by Detroit Artist DMC.
One of my personal favorite painters in all of Detroit. DMC or Jim Puntingham was director of Zeitgeist Gallery for a good four years or more up till recently.
Jim's paintings, drawings, sculptures and castings are highly charged and fertile works. I never cease to empathically relate to his works and feel inspired by their energy.

Monday, September 24, 2007

From the Private Collection

Starting off this blog well, I should show works from my own collection.
Here is Mike Alan's work at approximately 8.5" x 11" mixed drawing media on paper. Mike is a Brooklyn artist whose graffiti inspired works and DRAWATHON events pulse with creative energies.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy Blogging

Happy Posts. Happy City. Happy Joy. Happy Gallery. Happy Designer.
Happy Pets. Happy Joy. Happy Nappy. .